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So... I can't write! That's why I take pictures, otherwise, I would have write books to share my message. So take this for granted and read carefully.
In this project, I did nothing but to change how a piece of art is presented. If someone likes this piece, they should be thankful of the painter. Aydin Aghdashloo, one of my favorite Persian artists.
But getting to the point of why I chose this specific painting, I should say that I chose this so I can present a piece of history that I clearly felt it and saw it.
An important part that is all related to where I lived for more than 14 years which is Iran. I tried to show the impact of Colonization on that country, how the culture was shattered like the vase. And the vase itself representing the ancient art that used to exist. How it shattered and got replaced by western materials and stupid values...
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